By-Law #3: Schedule E: Board Responsibilities

Board Responsibilities

The Board has the following responsibilities:


  • approves or rejects membership applications as stated in the by-laws
  • sets the advance agenda for all general members’ meetings
  • pays attention to the social and community needs ofthe members, and
  • makes sure that education about co-operatives is available to members.


  • oversees the fmancial affairs ofthe co-op
  • makes financial decisions for the co-op, and
  • makes sure that the co-op has enough insuranoe coverage.


  • makes sure that the by-laws and continuing re$olutions of the Board are adopted and reviewed regularly
  • gives a clear outline ofthe responsibilities of Sltaff, committees and members
  • directs and co-ordinates the activities ofall coJinmittees
  • makes sure that the co-op’ s property is well maintained, and
  • involves the co-op in the broader co-operative movement and in the local community.

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