6.1 Meaning of “Officers”
Unless this by-law or Act states differently, the word “officers” means only the officers as stated in this article. It does not refer to the employees of the co-op.
6.2 Election of Officers
- The board elects the following officers annually, or more often as needed:
- President
- Vice-president
- Chair\Secretary
- Treasurer
- No person can hold more than one office, except the chairperson.
- All officers must be members of the co-op. Only the president and the vice-president must be directors.
All officers will be elected at the first meeting after the board’s election. The board can fill vacancies as necessary. The board can elect any other officers and give them any authority and duties.
The office of president or vice-president becomes vacant as the office-holder resigns, or is removed as a director.
6.3 Removal of Office
This section deals with removing an officer. 5.11 of this By-law deals with removing a director.
- A majority of the board can remove any officer by decision at any time for any reason. Notice of this decision must by given to all the directors.
- If the officer is not a director, the officer is also entitled to notice of the meeting and the opportunity to be heard at the meeting.
- The directors can immediately choose another qualified person to fill the vacancy.
6.4 Resignation of Officers
This section deals with the resignation of an officer. 5.10 of this By-law deals with the resignation of a director.
An officer can resign by giving written notice to the president or the officer of the co-op. The resignation takes effect when the board accepts it. The board must accept any resignation at the first meeting after it is received, unless it is withdrawn.
6.5 The President and Vice President
- The president
- Gives leadership to the co-op
- Follows the decisions approved at the board and member’s meetings, and
- Co-ordinates the work of the board, committees, members and staff.
- The president and vice president work together to carry out the above responsibilities.
6.6 The Secretary
- The secretary must ensure that
- all required notices of board and members’ meetings are given
- all the necessary documents for board and members’ meetings are provided
- the minutes book of the co-op is kept up to date
- all legally required notices are given, such as the notice of meetings
- all necessary notices are filed with the Ministry of Financial Institutions.
- complete minutes of all board and members’ meetings are kept and distributed before the next meeting, and
- a copy of all new by-laws is given to the members as soon as possible after they are confirmed.
- The secretary may not personally perform these duties if they are part of staff duties. The coordinator must see that all the staff duties are done and the legal requirements are met.
6.7 Recording and Corporate Secretary
The Board can appoint a recording secretary and a corporate secretary.
- a recording secretary takes and distributes the minutes of board and members’ meetings.
- a corporate secretary is responsible for all other duties of the secretary.
6.8 The Treasurer
The treasurer must understand and review the co-op’s finances and report on them to the board, the finance committee and the members. The coordinator or manager is responsible for the day-to-day financial management of the co-op.
6.9 Delegate to CHF
The delegate
- Represents the co-op
- Informs the board and the members of what the federation is doing
- Informs the federation of the views and concerns of the co-op, and
- Votes at the federation meetings. The delegate must get directions from the board on important issues if there is time.
The coordinator may serve as delegate to CHF.
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