By-Law #3: Article 2: Membership

2.01 Membership

To become members of the Co-op, applicants must be approved by the board and become residents of the Co-op.

When considering applications, the Co-op must comply with the Membership Policies of the Co-op and the Ontario Human Rights Code.

2.02 Qualification for Membership

The Board may accept for membership those persons who are sixteen years of age or over and who have the qualifications set forth in the Act and in the Co-op’s Member Selection By-laws.

2.03 Application for Membership

  1. Applicants for membership shall submit a written application in the form required by the Board. Once applicants have become members, they must remain members until they move out of the Co-op. Membership begins at move-in and ends at move-out.
  2. All members of an applicant’s household who are eighteen years or older, and intend to live in the co-op, must apply for membership or long-term guest status. If they do not, the co-op will not consider the application.
  3. Unless otherwise decided by the resolution of the Board; persons accepted for membership by the Board shall not become members until they have become residents of a unit of housing in the Co-op. Prior to, or at the same time as taking occupancy, each such person shall sign the Occupancy Agreement, pay the lifetime membership fee, the portion of the Member Deposit that is due, and the first month’s Housing Charge. They must also satisfy any other financial requirements of the Co-op and any requirement imposed by the Board in connection with the approval of the applications. Failure to complete any of the foregoing shall not prevent the person from becoming a member or taking occupancy, but shall be grounds for termination of occupancy rights should the above not be completed in a timely, agreed upon manner.
  4. The Board can require a new member to have a co-signer or to make other special financial arrangements.
  5. If a long-term guest is permitted as part of an applicant’s household, the loug~term guest and the members must sign a long-term guest agreement as stated in the Occupancy By-law.

2.04 Transfers and Withdrawals

Members cannot transfer their membership to any other person. Rules that apply to withdrawing from membership are in the Act and articles 7 and 8 of the Occupancy By-law.

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