A by-law relating generally to the transaction of the affairs of
Gateway Housing Co-operative Inc.
BE IT ENACTED as a by-law of Gateway Housing Co-operative Inc. (the “Co-op”) as follows:
Article 3: Meetings of Members
Article 9: Conflict of Interest
Article 10: Information and Confidentiality
Article 12: Membership in Federations
Schedule A: Rule of Order for Members’ Meetings
Schedule B: Agreement to be a Director
(Fillable PDF)*
Schedule C: Director’s Indemnity Agreement
(Fillable PDF)*
Schedule D: Director’s Confidentiality Agreement
(Fillable PDF)*
Schedule E: Board Responsibilities
*Please Note: PDFs can be opened in your browser and printed to fill them in by hand. In order to use the form options and digitally sign forms before printing they must be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you already have Acrobat installed your browser should give you the option to “Open with differnt Viewer.”