Code of Conduct
A. Directors have authority only as a board. They have no individual authority. Between meetings they have no authority unless the board has given them authority to do something. For example, the Board may ask a director to meet a member, to write a letter or to sign a document.
B. The Board may delegate authority to any individual director, committee, employee or member. However, the final authority and responsibility stays with the Board.
C. Directors must avoid conflicts of interest. They must always try to put the interests of the co-op before their own personal interests. They must declare any conflict of interest as soon as it occurs.”
D. A director who disagrees with a proposal the Board is considering must say so.
E. All directors will state their positions clearly when the Board is making an
important decision.
F. A director who feels that other directors are making statements that are slanderous, off the point or out of order should ask the chair to make a ruling. The chair will rule whether the directors who made those statements should withdraw them.
G. The directors, as a board, are the trustees of the assets of the co-op. They must protect the co-op.
H. Each director must keep confidentiality and follow the board’s policy on confidentiality.
I. Each director will obey the by-laws and rules of the co-op and will pay housing charges on time.
J. All directors will remain open to other points of view and options. They will not act defensively when members question or disagree with their decisions.
K. All directors will work together for the good of the co-op. They will not let personal dislikes or grudges affect their decisions.
L. The Board will not tolerate racist slurs from any director. It will not allow any statements which put down, or show lack of respect for, any member or staff person, especially negative comments concerning:
- gender
- origin
- income
- physical, mental or developmental disability, or
- sexual orientation.
M. All board members will behave ethically and honestly.
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