By-Law #3: Article 8: Committees

8.1 Creating Committees

There are two ways to create a committee.

  1. The board can create a committee. It can decide on the duties of the committee and appoint and terminate if necessary the committee’s members.
  2. A members’ meeting can create a committee. The members’ meeting can decide on the duties of this committee and appoint the committee’s members. These duties ate limited by 8.02 (b) of this by-law. If the members’ meeting does not decide on the duties, the board can do so.
  3. Each committee must elect a chairperson and secretary annually and these officers can only serve for two consecutive terms.

8.2 Role of Committees

  1. Each committee reports to the board at least quarterly.
  2. A committee must have the authority from a by-law or from a motion passed by the board to
    • Spend any money
    • Authorize any expense
    • Enter into any contact, or
    • Commit the co-op to any action.

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