By-Law #2: Occupancy Bylaw


This By-law contains the rules under which Gateway Housing Co-operative Inc. (the co-op) provides housing for its members and the rights and obligations of both the co-op and its members. The Co-operative Corporations Act (the Act) regulates how the co-op must be run. Certain parts of the Act contain rules which are not included in this By-law. Members should refer to them when questions come up.

Article 1: About This By-Law

Article 2: Member’s Rights

Article 3: Member’s Contributions

Article 4: Setting Housing Charges

Article 5: Use of Units

Article 6: Behaviour

Article 7: Member’s Households and Guests

Article 8: Occupancy Rights and Standards

Article 9: How Members Withdraw from the Co-Op

Article 10: Eviction Procedures

Article 11: Dealing with Arrears and Late Payment

Article 12: Dealing with Problems

Article 13: Alternatives to Eviction

Article 14: Appeals to Membership

Article 15: Legal Action

Article 16: Miscellaneous

Schedules and Attachments

Still in progress… See hard-copy from 2018 GMM.